about us



Padmini Nilesh

Neha Shah


We met as strangers over a decade ago, for a definite reason. A journey soon unfolded before us centered around our mutual beliefs in spirituality, altruism, and an unwavering faith in the divine. Very soon we realized that the universe had brought us together for a common goal.

As years rolled by, we followed our intuition and went ahead as was destined, guiding and healing several souls in need, with Angels by our side. Now here we are blessed by Supremacy high above with the knowledge and experience to help those in need to re-discover their wheel of life.

What is the wheel of life?

“As you Sow, so shall you Reap!”

The Wheel of life is held up to us as a mirror. It represents the deeds in your cycle of birth and existence and reactions of your deeds in your life. It means that who we are today is the result of our past. Thoughts and actions of human beings determine the kind of people they become in the future.

In short, there is no escape for any human being from receiving the reward for his actions and behavior in the law of life.

How we can help you?

We help you to get in touch with divine power to ameliorate problems & work on your life purpose through different mediums like- Tarot, Reiki, Soul reading, Angelic mediumship, Dowsing pendulum, Runes, and Angel therapy, to enhance & enlighten your mind, body & soul. In short, there is no escape for any human being from receiving the reward for his actions and behavior in the law of life.

Trust is the key word, Experience to believe, Believe to achieve, Achievement leads to satisfaction. Satisfaction thus leads to trust again And the wheel rotates…

We Belive Strive-> Accept–> Appreciate & have faith
It’s All Destined!!!
“God Bless!!!”